Show conditions of entry
- Entries must be made via the online entry system by the relevant closing date.
- No refund of entry fees will be made unless a veterinary or medical certificate is produce; in which case 50% of the entry fee will be returned.
- The organisers reserve the right to refuse any entry without stating a reason.
- British Dressage rules apply. No horse or pony under the age of 4 may compete
- All riders MUST wear a hard hat when mounted anywhere on the showground and WILL result in disqualification for those who do not comply. Competitors must be correctly dressed for their class and the organisers of Just-So Equestrian Events strongly advise riders to wear British Standard safety hats with a suitable safety harness when mounted.
- Misuse of whips and spurs will entail immediate disqualification.
- The judge’s decision is final.
- Objections must be lodges with the Secretary, in writing, with a deposit of £20 within 15 minutes of the incident occurring. The deposit will only be returned of the objection is upheld.
- Any person(s) riding in a manner likely to endanger the safety of themselves or others will be asked to dismount and leave the showground.
- Any person or vehicle/horse/pony in their charge seen damaging the venue of the show will be held responsible for the cost of reinstating the damage and charged accordingly.
- The organisers reserve the right to cancel any aspect of the show at any time, due to circumstances beyond their control. In the event of cancellation, entry fees will be refunded minus a £2 administration fee.
- Lunging is not allowed on any part of the showground
- Competitors are asked not to muck out horse boxes/trailers on the showground and to take their litter home with them or use the bins provided.
- No dogs are allowed other than within the confines of the owner’s vehicle.
- Health & Safety – the organisers of the event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health & safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents and must obey the instructions of the organisers/officials or stewards.
- Disclaimer of Liability – the organisers, their servants or venue owner shall not be held responsible for any person, whatsoever whilst on the showground or whilst entering or exiting the same for any death, injury, loss or damage to any competitors, grooms, onlookers, their property, vehicle/horses/ponies. Every competitor/owner shall be held responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may be done to or occasioned by, arising from any animal, vehicle, article or property exhibited or brought onto the showground by them. It shall be a condition of entry that each entrant shall indemnify and hold blameless the organisers, their servants and the venue owners from and against any legal action, expenses, claims on account of or in respect of any such damage or injury which maybe caused or occasioned at any show.
Virtual Dressage conditions of entry
- The Judges decisions are final.
- No communication or discussion will be entered into by Just-So Equestrian Events, any of its representatives or the judge involved.
- Tests will be ridden and will be judged under the rules of British Dressage including Para Dressage. Each competitor will be posted their score sheets and rosettes (if applicable) once all entries have been judged.
- Videos of tests must not have been recorded at any official non-virtual competition. Any video which is suspected of having been filmed during a non-virtual competition will not be accepted. In these circumstances NO refund will be offered. For this reason horses or ponies MUST wear boots or bandages as the wearing of these are not permitted in non-virtual competitions.
- The person operating the video camera must stand outside of the arena behind the ‘C” marker so the rider enters the arena at ‘A’ riding towards the camera (judge). Arena letters must be clearly visible at all times during the recording.
- Videos can be uploaded to ‘You Tube’ – link to video to be entered on the on-line entry form before the competition closing date. Footage can also be sent to Just-So Equestrian Events on a CD/DVD or memory stick. Discs or memory sticks must be clearly marked with the competitors’ name and horse/pony.
- It is the responsibility of the competitors to ensure that all persons appearing in the video have given their permission to be filmed.
- If any competitor or person featured in the video is under the age of 16 years the consent of the parent/guardian must be obtained prior to the video being submitted.
- Sound must be recorded to ensure competitors are not receiving coaching during their test
- If the quality of a video is considered too poor to be judged, the competitors will be given the opportunity to submit a further video without charge.
- Copyright laws must be adhered to when submitting any video footage, photographs or printed material. Just-So Equestrian Events will not be liable for any costs incurred as a result of infringement of copyright laws by any competitor or third party.
- Entries open on the 1st of every month and close on the last day of the month at 23:59 hrs.
- Any rider is free to register and enter a Just-So Equestrian Events Virtual Dressage competition.
- Entering for Just-So Equestrian Events Virtual Dressage competitions constitutes acceptance of the rules of the competition.
- Multiple videos may be submitted in a class (entry fee applicable for each video submitted) however only the highest scoring entry will be counted for a prize or rosette.
- Just-So Equestrian Events reserves the right to refuse an entry without stating a reason.
- Rosettes will be awarded up to and including 3rd place in all classes.
- Refunds will not be made except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of Just-So Equestrian Events. Such cases will be dealt with on an individual basis.
- Prize money will be paid via bank transfer or PayPal and rosettes will be sent to prize winners by post following completion of judging and the publication of the results.
- The safety of the horse and rider is paramount at all times.
- Riders do not have to wear full show dress but must be smartly dressed. BSI standard hats are strongly advised.
- Gloves and suitable footwear with a heel must be worn for safety reasons.
- No sleeveless top, shorts or trainers are to be worn under any circumstances.
- Bridles should be used as follows:
- For Introductory (Walk & Trot), Preliminary and Novice tests – ordinary snaffles.
- For Elementary – ordinary snaffles or double bridle.
- Nosebands must be worn in all tests – drop, cavesson or flash with a snaffle or a cavesson with a double bridle. Grackle nosebands must not be worn.
- Martingales, side, running or elasticised reins may not be used.
- Next straps may be used up to and including Preliminary tests. Cruppers are allowed.
- Horse/pony must wear boots or bandages to ensure that this test has not been previously judged in a non-virtual dressage competition.
- Spurs and a whip may also be used where allowed under British Dressage rules.
- Riding the test. Commanders may be used.
- Salutes should be made with reins and whip (if carried) in one hand and the free hand lowered to the riders side and the rider should nod their head. Gentlemen may remove and lower their hat with their free hand before nodding.
- Trot, sitting or rising (or a mixture of both), may be ridden in all test including Elementary.
- Errors. If a competitor make an error of course, i.e. takes the wrong turn, omits a movement etc. 2 marks will be deducted. Failure to salute at the start or the finish of a test will incur a penalty for the error. If 3 errors are made the competitor will be eliminated.
- Guidance on riding your test can be found in the current British Dressage rule book and further helpful hints can be found on the Just-So Equestrian Events website.
Photo Competition
- The competition will open on the 1st of the month and close at midnight on the last day of the month.
- Our judges will pick the top 6 photos from each month’s submissions and rosettes will be sent to the winners.
- The top 3 photo’s each month will go forward to our grand final and all finalist photos will be published on our Facebook page for the public to vote for and the winner will win a fantastic overall winner rosette and a framed print of their photo.
- The monthly competitions are open to any rider from any location and the only criteria is that your photo is taken from the saddle and includes your horse’s ears in it – “Just So Between the Ears”. Any view, any location, any weather – just capture the view you can see from where you sit, enter on line, attach your photo and wait for the results to be published.
- Cropping of images is allowed.
- No watermarked images are allowed.
- Permissions must be sought from all those captured in the submitted image (parent or guardian if any of the subjects are children, young people or those considered vulnerable and lack the capacity to give consent) must be obtained prior to submission.
- If images are not your own then the appropriate permission from the owner or those with a proprietary interest must be obtained prior to submission