Class 2a


Newcomers Equitation Criteria – Open to Adult & Junior Competitors who have not previously been placed in the first six in any Novice, Intermediate or Open Equitation or the first three in Newcomers, Cygnet or Young Rider classes at the National Side Saddle Shows. Ridden in a 20m x 40m dressage arena
Competitors will enter the Arena at A and give a Freestyle Show not exceeding 3 minutes timed from initial halt to final halt and salute. The freestyle show must include Walk, Trot and Canter on both reins. Competitors will leave the Arena at A..
The judge will assess the correctness of the rider’s position and the influence on the horse/ pony’s way of going and the stability and balance of the saddle.

To be ridden on a horse/pony hired from a riding school. RIDERS MUST BE MINIMUM OF ASSOCIATE MEMBERS OF THE SSA TO ENTER.

Places available

SKU: SSA/C2A. Category: .